Tangy Tangerine: The Single Most Life Changing Supplement Ever
I discovered Tangy Tangerine, Youngevity’s premiere product, a little over a year ago. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I had heard great things about it and its apparent ability to improve your overall health with its 87 essential nutrients. My feeling was that even if I didn’t feel any difference, I was giving myself nutrition, which my body would have needed anyway, so there was no way it could hurt. I decided to order some, and suffice to say, this product really did give me back my life.
That is an extremely strong statement, I am aware, but if you saw the way I was before I started with this supplement and the way I am when I am off it for any notable length of time, you might be inclined to agree.
Even my family – my mother in particular – turned from skeptic (“sounds like a ‘snake oil salesman’ type of product”) to seeing that I make sure to never run out pretty much instantaneously. My friends have been asking what exactly this product is and where they can get it.
If I already have you sold, you may skip down to the bottom of this post. If you need more information, however, keep reading.
The Nutritional Value and Philosophy
Tangy Tangerine is the most advanced vitamin, mineral, and amino acid supplement on the market. A lot of companies probably make that claim about their products, but I’ve yet to see one that contains large amounts of 87 of the 90 total essential nutrients your body needs to function at its most optimal level.
And these are literally mega-doses of these essential nutrients. The 2.0 edition, for instance, contains 1250 mg of vitamin C, 2086% the recommended daily amount. Yes, you read that right. And if you do not get the 2.0 version, the doses of essential nutrients is the standard Beyond Tangy Tangerine are still very large: 1,000 mg of vitamin C, 1667% the recommended daily amount. A great abundance of B vitamins are included as well. In the standard version, vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12 are given in amounts of 2000%, 1765%, 1500%, and 1883%, respectively. And in the 2.0 version, those amounts are even higher.
What If I Overdose?
I couple people have asked me this after I told them the massive amounts of each vitamin and mineral that were in this product. The simple answer is you won’t. Overdosing on any essential nutrient is fiendishly hard to do and is a predicament you would probably never achieve even if you tried. Those cases you hear about are exceptionally rare.
The bigger concern is whether your body is nutritionally deficient – which everybody’s body is today – because many people do not take mineral supplements (or do not supplement effectively) and the minerals are not in the soil anymore (that’s a whole other story). Combine this with the standard North American diet and it’s no wonder we’re seeing such an increase in chronic illness and, for the first time in our nation’s almost 243-year history, life expectancy is declining.
The vast majority of conditions that people seek medical intervention for are the result of nutritional deficiencies. Did you know that if all girls and women in this country took a high quality selenium supplement, we could eliminate breast cancer in a full generation by 82%. And yes, Tangy Tangerine contains plenty of selenium!
That is only one example.
In my own life, I have struggled, literally since birth, with low serotonin. This has led to conditions such as OCD, severe anxiety, and depression, among other things. I never “got sick” physically, and was always “in shape,” but emotionally, I was a total basket case. Any time I ever planned anything. I had to take into account what my emotional state might be, or not go “as big” as I wanted in the event that it may end up being too much to handle.
It turns out that in order for your body to produce serotonin, the following chemicals are required: all the B vitamins, vitamins C and D, magnesium, and the aforementioned selenium among other nutrients. Once my body was filled with the nutrients necessary for making serotonin, I was no longer exhibiting the telltale signs of low serotonin. If I am off the Tangy Tangerine for an appreciable period of time, however, the “low serotonin” version of me comes right back.
Since just about everyone is minerally deficient in one way or another, the idea behind Tangy Tangerine (and all of their products) is to use a “bigger hammer,” hence the mega-doses of nutrients. This way, you not only get the nutrition you need, but you get enough for your body to actually repair and fix itself.
My mother calls Tangy Tangerine my “happy juice.” And it is most definitely a mood stabilizer, but here is a handful of other amazing benefits;
- Supports cardiovascular health
- Natural antioxidant
- Supports a strong immune system
- Promotes a healthy digestive system
- Promotes stable blood sugar levels
I will also add that Youngevity’s products are all natural, gluten-free, and contain no artificial sweeteners or preservatives. This particular product also contains less than one gram of sugar per serving.
Since taking Tangy Tangerine, I have experienced the following changes first hand:
- A bunion on the inside of my left foot immediately started getting smaller. Now my left foot looks almost identical to my right. The dancer in me is elated!
- Hair sheds a lot less.
- Skin tends to look a lot clearer.
- For a while, I would continuously twitch my eyebrows because I was so afraid of developing “#11” lines (OCD tick). I no longer do this non-stop.
- In my worst moments, my mind, thinking at 100 miles an hour, would search my memory for my most unpleasant, traumatizing life events and constantly terrorize me with them. This would become debilitating. I no longer have these moments.
- Sleep pattern much more consistent for better quality sleep; I am not nearly as dependent on sleep aids as I have been in the past, and on nights when I absolutely must take a sleep aid, it’s a lot more effective.
- Mood in general has stabilized. Mental focus is stronger as a result, and I can also enjoy things a lot more.
- More energy throughout the day.
- No more sugar cravings. I can avoid sugar and sweets with no willpower or diet plan at all. Yes, really — my sugar consumption is literally less than one-third what it was before.
Of course, always keep in mind that individual results will vary.
Getting the Most Out of Tangy Tangerine
I am always the first person to look at something like this and think, “too good to be true.” After all, very few things can live up to being this transformative for extended periods of time with such great results. If you can only afford one expensive supplement, this is most definitely the one to buy; it really is the holy grail.
In order to get the most out of this product, I would recommend the following:
- If you are on any medications, please consult with your doctor before taking Tangy Tangerine. These mega-doses of nutrients will literally get your system to function much more effectively without all these deficiencies gumming up the works. While this is a good thing, it can also cause any medications you take to work that much more strongly during the process. So, for instance, if you are not experiencing any side effects of your medication on your current dosage, you may start to have side effects if you add Tangy Tangerine to your regime. You may need a lower dosage or you may need to get off the medication all together… or it may not affect your medication at all. But always ask your doctor to be sure.
- Eat a healthy, nutrient-dense diet. A lot of people feel that if they supplement properly, especially if the supplement contains essential nutrients in such huge amounts, that this gives them more “wiggle room” as far as their diet is concerned. Tangy Tangerine, for all its benefits, is not a substitute for healthy eating but rather a compliment. Make sure your limit your intake of sugars, complex carbohydrates, fried foods, and processed foods. I’ve found lots of leafy greens to be especially good!
- Get regular exercise. Self explanatory.
- Combine it with one of Youngevity’s “Mighty 90” paks. This will run you at least around $150 a month, but in my view, if you can spare the expense, it is well worth it. The basic Healthy Start Pak contains EFA [Essential Fatty Acid] Plus, and Osteo FX (calcium and magnesium supplement) in addition to the Tangy Tangerine.
- The serving sizes are per body weight. One serving is intended per 100 pounds of body weight, however, if you’re on a budget and need to make it stretch, splitting up the servings however you need to (one scoop per day instead of two, one scoop every other day, etc.) is far, far better than nothing and you should still notice a difference.
Purchase Tangy Tangerine
The standard version, 2.0 version, and the Healthy Body Pak are all available on Amazon. For those who prefer not to drink it or don’t like the taste (it is rather sweet [stevia] and tangy, just as the name suggests), there is also a tablet form.